Saturday, August 24, 2013

We're Back........

Have you missed us? We missed you on our journey to the Wisconsin Dells. Now it's time to get back to laundry, rubber gloves and furniture. Stay tuned.....


Thursday, August 15, 2013

Flying Yellow Table

Birds of a feather flock together. In this case, Squeeker, the yellow cockatiel, guards the yellow table until the new owner comes to claim the treasure.

21 inches long
16  inches wide
25 inches high
lower shelf and pull out drawer  


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Mellow Yellow

Need a little sunshine in your life?
Well, put it right in here and know that "Dreams do come true" in this sunny chair. Who knows what will happen if you wear your ruby slippers at the same time!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

South of France....Avenue

Picture Paris skies, Maurice Chevalier singing and a small merchant selling fine furniture. Open your eyes. Voila!


My French affair this weekend.
French country cedar cabinet..27 inches high..43inches long ...20 inches wide
Ooh La La!!!!


This is how my affair began. Handle-less, in pieces and a decidedly un-French color.


Now, beautiful inside and out!


Saturday, August 10, 2013

Summer Outings and A Red Chair

Brandon and Logan are SO excited about seeing the
 Red Chair!

Logan and Brandon turned down the birthday cupcakes from Mom and Dad so they could see the RED CHAIR!!!


And here it is!!!
The cooler evenings are telling us that a new  school year  is around the corner. This sturdy quality rocker is finshed in antique white and imperial red and  29 inches high and 17 inches wide. Very stylish for any bedroom or reading area. 
Now, wasn't that worth waiting for?

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Before and After

I would love to give you all a sense of the transformation that takes place with the pieces I put on the blog. This chair was one I refurbished for my daughter, Daina, on her recent birthday.





Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sons, Daughters, Brothers, Sisters, Friends

Summertime brings out the best in my family. Here are some pictures that prove that fact!
Nikole and Anela being FBI agents.


Sherry, Ava and Alisha leading the birthday song for Nikole.